This page provides details of current Parish Council business that is considered to be of particular interest to the community and current issues where the Parish Council is seeking support or feedback from the community.
Comments on any of the issues raised maybe submitted to the Parish Clerk through the following link on the Contact Us page.
As a consultee on planning applications the Parish Council will be consulted on all planning applications relevant to the Lanreath Parish area. All relevant documentation can be viewed in the online Planning Register. Any planning applications that are scheduled for review at a Parish Council meeting will be detailed in the meeting agenda. If you wish to express a view on a particular planning application, you may do so; in the public participation section of the meeting; by submitting comments to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting; or by submitting your comments directly to Cornwall Council by logging in to the online Planning Register.
Application: PA24/04905
Proposal: Outline Planning Permission with some matters reserved (appearance,
landscaping, layout and scale) for proposed erection of up to 10 affordable dwellings and the formation of a new vehicular access.
Location: Land West Of Rally Close, Rally Close, Lanreath, Looe
Applicant: Kearn Estates Ltd
Grid Ref: 217816 / 57124
To download a list of Planning Applications in the Parish of Lanreath decided over the last 12 months please click on the button below.