Lanreath Ladybirds logo

Lanreath Village Hall Baby/Toddler Group

Come and join us.


Baby/Toddler Group 0-4 year olds. Tuesdays and Thursdays 9.15-11.30 at Lanreath Village Hall during term time.
Get to know local parents and chat over tea/coffee.. Plenty of toys/books/craft activities and a quiet section for babies.
Established over 20 years the group has helped many new mothers and their children through the early years. £3 a child and £1.50 for siblings (includes a snack) £1 without a snack.
For more information join our Facebook page or contact Sandra on 01503 220860


Lanreath Ladybirds Activities

Routine of the Session

09.15: session starts

09.15-10.15: Free play – including Craft Activity of the day

10.15: Snack time: water or juice is available and we aim to provide a healthy nutritious snack. If your child suffers from allergies please let us know.

10.50: Tidy up time. The children are encouraged to help tidy up alongside the adults.   After this we have the large ride-ons for the final session of the morning. 


During the better weather we have a sand/water area outside of the hall plus we have the use of the Community Garden area with is very close to the hall, where we are able to have the larger outdoor play equipment plus messy play.


Ladybirds is a voluntary led group with a voluntary committee consisting of the parents/carers of children currently attending. Our aims are to create a safe environment that encourages children to develop a positive self-image regardless of face, language, religion or back ground. Thus, enabling children to build their self-confidence and their vocabulary whilst developing a sense of independence.


The group is very relaxed and friendly and is as much for the adults to meet and chat over coffee as for their little ones to play together.


Lanreath Ladybirds Facilities

Photo of play and activity equipment








Here is the room set for a session…


Photo of toddlers activity equipment

Slideshow of some of the members of Lanreath Ladybirds

Explorative play area in the Community Garden





…and we have a wonderful outside area for explorative play.


Photo of outside play area





Lanreath Ladybirds Pre-school Toddler Group

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